7 Secrets of Outstanding Assistants

As the year nears its' end, lets talk about what makes awesome assistants stand out from the rest of the pool. If you've read my blog, you'll notice that I seldom talk about the tasks that we do. My reason? I believe you know how to do the basics and really, I don't need to waste your time on How To's. What I am most concerned about is how we perceive our work, which affects the attitude we develop through the years.

We have many colleagues who've been in the profession for most of their lives. They thrive in it. It's their careers. What separates them from those who do not survive more than a couple of years? What makes them effective and great at their jobs?

These, I believe, are the secrets of Outstanding Assistants:
  1. Takes their jobs personally - People say we shouldn't take things personally. That it's just work. I don't believe that. In our line of work where we assist people, the tasks can become boring and repetitive after a while, if we are ONLY task oriented. Assistants who take their jobs personally LOVE their roles and the difference they make to their executives. They take failure personally and constantly strive to better themselves. Their work feeds something in them that motivates them to do the same thing day in and day out. Being an assistant is part of the fabric of their lives.

  2. They are tenacious - For someone to gain experience as an assistant, they first need to stay and accumulate expertise. I see assistants jumping from one executive to another, in a matter of months! It prevents them from acquiring the maturity and expertise needed. Great assistants stick to their executives for as long as possible. They don't let go easily. In the face of challenges they persist. They try to work things out. The result is wisdom gained from the roadblocks they successfully hurdled. They get valuable experience due to their tenure.
  3. Believes in their role - Assistants who believe in their role and are sure of their purpose are more focused and successful. It's very hard to wake up everyday and just see the never ending tasks ahead of you, without knowing why you are doing them. Those who see their role in the bigger picture are more inspired. They feel more accountable and proactive.
  4. Loves to assist - That's the crux of the job. If you do not have the kind of personality that revels in the satisfaction of assisting itself, you won't last. In the face of bad bosses, bad companies, low pay, long hours and what have you, it's our love for the job that makes us stay. Outstanding assistants love the idea of helping people. They do not have higher-than-thou attitudes. They are there to assist.

    There is an online game that my husband and I enjoy playing. It's called FLYFF. You get to choose your character. You can be a warrior, an acrobat, a magician or a ringmaster. Assistants would be a Ringmaster. They start off with the title Assist and becomes a Ringmaster as their powers grow. They don't fight. Their only purpose is to "Buff" the other 3 characters with powers like strength, speed, heal, etc. The other characters protect their ringmasters because they're crucial to them when they're fighting. They can't do without them. 

    I love this analogy and often use it to describe what we do. We are ringmasters and our focus is buffing our Executives and enhancing their skills.
  5. They are perfectionists - They ensure maximum efficiency in the performance of their tasks. "So-so" and "That'll do" are not part of their vocabulary. In their constant quest for perfection, they have developed reliable and efficient systems. The result is that they're seldom overwhelmed by their responsibilities. They have developed the most effective ways to perform their tasks.
  6. Constantly evolves - Assistants who feel that there's nothing new to learn stops upgrading their skills. Outstanding assistants welcome new learnings and strive to improve themselves. The result is continuous improvement. They remain competitive in the workplace and in the market.
  7. They are blessed with supportive Executives - Even if you have all the qualities mentioned above, if your Executive does not empower you or welcome your contributions, it's like banging your head on a wall. Executive Assistants are only as effective and great as the executives they serve - and only as far as their executives allow them to be. I do not believe that exceptional executives will have mediocre assistants - they won't tolerate it. Likewise, I do not believe that great executive assistants will have mediocre executives, they won't find satisfaction. We need to find executives who will aid in our growth and welcome the value we add to their lives.
With that said, I wish all of you a brighter year ahead! There's never been a better time to be in the Admin profession. Executives are busier than ever and they need us to help make their work life more manageable. Well.... I hope they realize that. :)

Related Article: A Breed Apart: The Addictus EAs

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