It's another year. A clean slate. After all the fun and cheer of the holiday season, we can now sit and ask ourselves... what's next? What do I want to do differently this year?
The last 2 years have proven to be the most challenging year of my life. All 3 of my anchors were dislodged. My mom passed away, my husband was diagnosed with Diabetes (which is what my mom died from) and my boss of 6 years went back home and our company got acquired. As if these wasn't enough to shake a poor girl's reality, I started losing hair. What else can go wrong? All anchors up and my ship is drifting away from shore.
Writing gave me back that warm feeling inside... you know, the feeling that makes you want to strut around like a peacock? Like you were the best thing that was ever created? Losing the things that kept you steady and gave you purpose for so long... can be very unnerving.
What does my ranting have to do with how you can be the best assistant ever? A lot. A successful assistant is a passionate person. Passion makes us excel and give more than we're capable of. It's what drives us!
Are you still passionate about what you're doing?
Do you still have that sense of purpose, that makes you get up in the morning with a spring in your step?
I hope you do. But if not... that's ok. You can still find your passion elsewhere.. and for 2015, I encourage you to re-examine your careers and your options and see how you can ignite the passion you first felt in the beginning.
Passion has nothing to do with being efficient. I can be coldly efficient and it won't affect the quality of my work. You have to admit that doing the same things every day for so long can numb you to the job and you won't even notice that you've lost that warm fuzzy feeling.
For your overall well-being, even if it's not about work, there has to be something that makes you feel really happy about life. Your family, your spouse, a loved one, a business, a project... something. When you identify what that is, focus on giving it more attention this year.
Assistants are too invested in their work, if you ask me. It can burn you out and make you take many things for granted. It won't hurt to have other things on your plate, aside from your executive's needs.
I don't make resolutions anymore... I'm wise enough to know that I won't be able to stick to my new year's resolution anyway. But I do intend to do something different and exciting this 2015! One that I've never done before when all my anchors were in place. I can choose to let these trials break me or change me into something better. I choose better. I know you will make that choice too.
We can be better assistants and learn something new this year, or maybe be a better parent, or love our partners more, be more creative... whatever! Just more than what we were in the past! Your imagination and your courage is the limit. Just find your passion and give it all you've got! We need that..... Life is too short to let it be anything less than what we want it to be.
Ok, thanks for listening to my ravings. I promise not to rant on the next article! But then what's the point of having a blog? Just kidding.
Happy New Year everyone!
Writing this for you, is MY passion!
What is Yours?
Writing this for you, is MY passion!
What is Yours?
Share it in the comments below! :)
Related Article: When Do You Know It's Time To Go?
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